Booking Engine


All-in-one booking engine for any rental property

Add and manage the unlimited number of short-term rental properties, designate their availability and pricing ranges, enable the needed payment methods, and connect to external travel aggregators to receive even more bookings. All from one simple yet powerful BNBForms toolkit!

Use on WordPress, Wix, Drupal, HTML, and other CMS

Easily add the BNBforms booking engine experiences to your existing website, in no time. We provide you with tips and tutorials for almost all popular website builders.

Click the buttons to set up your property booking engine preferences, then copy the code automatically generated for you, – and simply insert it on your website!

Accept your first bookings for free for one month

Use absolutely all tools of our property engine for FREE for a month, and stay with us only if the platform meets your requirements!

Test all the tools to the fullest: pricing and rates system, booking rules, availability setup, property management and more. Get the advice from our team along the way, launch your booking widget, and accept your first direct bookings without paying a dime!

Get all what you earn, commission-free

Using the BNBForms booking engine, we don’t take any commissions on the number of properties and accommodations you have, nor do we charge your customers.

Get all you earn directly to your accounts. We charge only a small fixed fee, so get as many clients as you can manage.

Flexible pricing for individual properties

You can choose the best marketing and pricing strategy for your rentals, and we are almost sure BNBForms will get you going with any!

You can differentiate prices based on how many people are staying, for how long they stay, and whether the coupon codes need to be applied.

Real-time availability calendars for all accommodations

The booking widget generated by BNBForms is supplied with online availability calendars that show free and booked dates in real time for every property.

There is also a common accommodation search form guests can use to filter all properties in a few clicks.

Online payments as easy as on tried-and-trusted travel websites

We provide you with easy and smooth ways to accept payments via PayPal, 2Checkout, Braintree, Stripe, or Beanstream/Bambora.

Feel free to enable travelers to pay you after arrival or via a direct bank transfer. You can charge a full price or even deposit to help customers more easily secure their stay.

Take full control of your bookings

Add bookings by hand via the BNBForms dashboard, edit booking information (e.g. change arrival and departure dates, add extra services), add payments done later, apply coupon codes and do more handy operations with bookings.

Add custom notes to reservations, view the history of booking changes and fully control your bookings in multiple ways.

Sync your availability to external channels

Thanks to the support of a popular iCal file format, you can send the availability data across the external platforms and your website, thus cross-syncing all the bookings from all sources.

Use, Airbnb and other popular travel agencies as an extra income source.