Availability Calendar


Available and booked days in real-time online calendars

Just as easily as room or property details, guests can view the availability of individual accommodations right in the booking widget. They just need to select a property to see available and unavailable dates in a color-coded calendar preview.

Real-time availability synced to external sources

Decided to sync the availability of your properties to all major rental sites? Calendars in your BNBForms dashboard will always show the up-to-date information with all the external data taken into account.

Instant booking from the calendar page

If a guest browsed any individual property page via the BNBforms booking engine and checked its availability, they can easily then place a booking from the property page right away.

Handy tooltips in the availability calendar

It’s easy to set some extra rules for the property availability, for example, in how many days before arrival it can be booked, or what is the minimum number of stay-in days available, the buffer window, etc. Handy tooltips in the availability calendar will notify guests about all these details, displaying the proper availability of the latter.

Customize the calendar color scheme

To suit your website design, you can change the default color theme of the calendar. There are over ten themes designed using complementary colors. Your task is just to pick the best one!